We bring together empathy and engineering, behavioral design and technology, art and science, design thinking and agile development, so that technology can truly serve people. Without a top-notch team of tech savvies who are in love with what they do, we wouldn’t be able to fulfill our mission. And Radu is one of them.
As a team lead in our ReadyUp project, Radu co-created at first a matchmaking platform for esports players and then helped transform it into a B2B event management solution. Radu joined QUALITANCE as a senior front-end developer in 2018, but it was just a matter of time before he embraced a new challenging role. Now a solution architect, Radu contributes with his expert technical vision backed up by 14 years of experience and a natural drive to lead people and get things done fast.
Radu is the kind of engineer who’s most comfortable with big battles and is not shy of hard work. He’s leveraging his expertise not only in client projects, but also in internal tools designed to improve our workflows and technical programs aimed at augmenting the technical skills of his peers. Just recently this year, in addition to all the great stuff that he’s already doing, Radu has created an Alpha Camp on design patterns for software development – an internal course much welcomed by the team.

Radu during his Alpha Camp on design patterns for software development
Long story short, here’s Radu in his own words.
1. Tell us who you are in just 6 words.
Saying who I am in just 6 words is not that easy, but here it comes – Passionate about the things I do.
I feel like I need to add a bit of context though. What I mean is I try to be 100% there – fully committed to everything that I do. I’d rather not start anything at all if I know for a fact that I don’t have the time and desire to get the most out of it. It’s how I go about things, not only in my work, but also in my personal life.
2. When you joined our team back in 2018, you already had a vast experience, hence enjoyed many options. What made you choose Q?
When you’re changing jobs, there’s always a risk at stake – at least around the new company. However prepared you might be, you’re not fully aware of what you’re getting yourself into.
QUALITANCE came highly recommended, so the level of trust was higher than usual. We talked a lot about the project that I’d be working on, the team and the company values. It didn’t take me long to realize that it was a good decision to join this team.
3. Our readers don’t know just yet what we know about you – that you’re very passionate about your work 🙂 Where does this drive come from?
I’m a perfectionist to the core, and perhaps one of my biggest flaws is that I get bored fast if I don’t do things that I can learn from. It’s very rare that my code remains untouched 🙂 I constantly go back to find something to improve and I do it.
4. You’ve been on the team for more than 2 years. What was the most fulfilling moment in your experience so far?
Being able to reinvent the ReadyUp esports platform and build a new product from scratch. I think that’s the most exciting and fulfilling experience I’ve had so far.
5. Your role is very collaborative. What do you appreciate most in your teammates?
I value people who know how to mix work and play in their job. I love it when I can hang out, get a drink and have a great time with the same people who know exactly what is expected from them and can do the work independently, but also as a team – especially when there’s a stressful deadline around the corner.
6. Let’s say you need a new front-end developer in your team. What are the top 3 things that will earn them a thriving spot in your team?
First of all, I’d be interested in their technical know-how. I don’t mean just a certain framework or technology. Anyone can learn these along the way. I’m hoping to find an analytical type of thinking focused on problem-solving.
What also matters to me is the level of dedication towards their work. I’m rooting for people who are constantly looking for better solutions and don’t settle for average results. It’s not that difficult to make your code work, especially for customers who are not technically savvy. But that shouldn’t be enough if you want to evolve. You need to aim higher.
Last but not least, I’d make sure that the new person on the team is easy going and can get along with everyone else. Team chemistry is equally essential.
7. Every now and then we’re all going through a rough patch in our work. When was the last time things ran down the hill for you and how did you save the day?
Fortunately, so far I haven’t felt like the world was crumbling. Maybe it has to do with my inner sense of anticipation for such situations. I tend to see them coming and avoid them in due time.
Usually, I have a hard time when I get stuck with a certain challenge and I don’t have a solution for it. When that happens, if I notice that it’s taking too long, I’d rather stop everything just to reexamine the whole situation. Most of the time, the solution is right in front of you – it might be that you’re just too tired or stressed to see it.
8. You have a reputation for your hard work and determination. How do you keep yourself productive? What’s your mantra?
I think the most honest answer is that I like what I do. Always did and always will. Other than that, I find it rewarding when people get excited about the things I do and when my work is making other people’s lives a lot easier.
9. The biggest lesson you’ve learned from your teammates?
They taught me to be calmer, more patient. I’ve learned that everyone has their own pace of doing things.
10. You’re a full stack developer, but still – which one do you love more – frontend or backend? Why?
I usually don’t discriminate 🙂 I think doing both is actually most interesting. It helps you understand the entire flow of an application. Still, I think I could never do just backend. I’ve always liked to have a visual representation of my work, so if I had to choose one, I’d go with the frontend.
11. Back to the start. What was your dream job growing up?
Like any child, I dreamt about being a lot of things – doctor, detective, sportsman. Being a programmer was not on the list 🙂 I found my passion much later.
12. Who do you admire most right now?
I don’t have any particular role models. But I do value and admire any person who minds their own business and tries to change things for the better, however big or small their impact might be.
13. Give one prediction of 10 years from now.
The global trend screams digitalization, so I would bet on that as well. At the same time, I think we’ll get to see a lot of progress with autonomous cars, online documents, remote work, and online shopping.
More and more people understand that the internet has a lot of great use in many areas of our lives – not just social media, and that is great progress.
14. What development in your field surprised you the most this year?
Honestly, with all this pandemic madness, I didn’t get the space or time to keep track of the latest innovations. But I was pleasantly surprised by the advanced level of facial processing of some mobile applications such as Snapchat or Faceapp.
15. What’s your favorite app or gadget?
I don’t really have a favorite app, but I do have a favorite gadget – my smartwatch. I love that it keeps me on track with how much I exercise and scolds me whenever I get lazy 🙂
16. What else do you do for fun besides work?:)
I do a lot of sports to keep myself healthy and have a good time. Reading and going out with my friends are also some of the things I enjoy.
Want to work with Radu and bring your own value to new exciting projects? We’ve got a Full-Stack Developer opening, plus some more interesting vacancies. Our recruitment experience happens entirely online. You’re welcome to email our HR teammates Gabriela Bombarascu and Ioana Groseanu – they’re fast and fabulous.
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