Meet Alex, Front End Developer at QUALITANCE. He’s the first in our new Spotlight series. He’s an AngularJS wizard and loves the zero inbox concept. Read his interview and discover his lifehacks and newest challenges.
Describe what you do at QUALITANCE in one tweet!
Hi, my job here is mainly as a web developer for Front-End, I use AngularJS, I’m also involved with People Management, which is the newest challenge.
What’s your best time-saving tip?
Try to have meetings only if you are prepared. Don’t meet if you don’t have an agenda. Don’t meet to have a brainstorming. Don’t meet to work on something. Do all these things alone and then meet to share the results and decide upon them.
How do you organise your day? (apps, lists, etc)
From 9:30 to 10 I read and clear my Inbox (after that I have zero emails in my inbox). Every important thing turns into an event into my calendar or an action. I also decide what’s the Most Important Task (MIT). For the MIT I put an event in the calendar which coincides with the period in which I’m most efficient. A Most Important Task (MIT) is a critical task that will create the greatest results. Read more here:
Alex’s Typical Day
9:30 AM Clear inbox
10:00 AM After the Stand-up I start working on easy, important stuff (like estimates, builds, research, etc)
12:00 PM I go for lunch.
1:00PM I usually work on the MIT (unless it is a large project and I start at 10)
4:30PM I will have any meeting I must have, unless it is something that will influence my day
Tell us about your workspace.
On my desk I have my mac, my mouse (19 buttons razer naga chroma epic), my mechanical keyboard and tea (mate and green).
What’s your favourite room in QUALITANCE HQ? 
Zen Room. I like the idea of having a quiet place to go and clear my mind. It has been recently redesigned and it has a quality of calmness about it. I almost feel like whispering there. There are also some inspiring quotes, we have a Matrix theme throughout the company, so my favourite one is “There is no spoon”. The ideas might not come in there, but having a clear mind, stopping and taking a step back always helps.
Is there a book or quote that you live by?
“One who sees himself as everything is fit to be guardian of the world One who loves himself as everyone is fit to be teacher of the world.” Tao Te Ching
How do you unwind after work?
I try to meditate, but meditation is counter-intuitive: – one of its goals is relaxation but you have to work hard for it – the hardest thing is doing nothing – by shutting out external stimuli and thought, you find out more about yourself. I also paint from time to time. I like mostly modern and contemporary art, my favourite is Matisse.
Where do you get inspiration if you’re feeling stuck?
Inspiration comes best to me when I have a clear mind. For paintings, it comes in the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep. It is then when the imagination has no limits and the image is most clear. So I try to get myself in this state or profit from it when it happens.
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